.. Copyright (c) 2020, QuantStack and pyls-memestra contributors Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. Customization ============= Customizing using Jupyter Lab's Settings ---------------------------------------- It's possible to customize ``pyls-memestra``, for that you must go to ``Settings > Advanced Settings Editor`` choose the ``Language Server`` extension and edit the users preferences with the following template: .. code-block:: console { language_servers: { pylsp: { serverSettings: { pylsp: { plugins: { "pyls-memestra": { ...keywords... } } } } } } } With the following keywords: * decorator_module * decorator_function * reason_keyword * recursive * cache_dir If you want to learn more about what they do, please refer to Memestra's documentation_. Example: ******** .. code-block:: console { language_servers: { pylsp: { serverSettings: { pylsp: { plugins: { "pyls-memestra": { reason_keyword: "due_to" } } } } } } } .. code-block:: console @deprecated.deprecated(due_to='This function will be deprecated in 2017') class SomeOldClass(object): pass Customizing using files ----------------------- Please refer to the PLS documentation_. .. _documentation: https://memestra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _documentation: https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server#configuration